EPICS Base Installation
Procedure was used to install EPICS R3.14.8.2 base into $CLAS area (this is NOT a replacement for Slow Control Group's EPICS environment; it will be used to develop Soft IOCs to provide Channel Access in frame of CLAS Monitoring Upgrade project).
Login to clon10 (or other solaris-sparc) machine
Go to $CLAS directory, create R3.14.8.2 directory, go into it, create .setup file with following contents and execute it (normally it must be called from .cshrc; env vars OSTYPE and MACHINE are set in CLAS startup procedure):
if ( ($OSTYPE = "SunOS") && ($MACHINE = "sun4u") ) then ##setenv EPICS_HOST_ARCH solaris-sparc64 setenv EPICS_HOST_ARCH solaris-sparc endif if ( ($OSTYPE = "SunOS") && ($MACHINE = "i86pc") ) then setenv EPICS_HOST_ARCH solaris-x86 endif if ( ($OSTYPE = "Linux") && ($MACHINE = "i686") ) then setenv EPICS_HOST_ARCH linux-x86 endif if ( ($OSTYPE == "Linux") && ($MACHINE == "ppc") ) then setenv EPICS_HOST_ARCH linux-ppc endif setenv EPICS_VER setenv EPICS_BASE $CLAS/R$EPICS_VER/base-$EPICS_VER setenv EPICS_EXTENSIONS $CLAS/R$EPICS_VER/extensions setenv EPICS_BASE_LIB $EPICS_BASE/lib/$EPICS_HOST_ARCH setenv EPICS_BASE_INC $EPICS_BASE/include setenv PATH "$PATH":$EPICS_BASE/bin/$EPICS_HOST_ARCH #setenv EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST "" setenv EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST
Get the base tar file baseR3.14.8.2.tar.gz from http://www.aps.anl.gov/epics/ into current $CLAS/R3.14.8.2 directory
Untar it and build via:
gunzip baseR3.14.8.2.tar.gz tar -xvf baseR3.14.8.2.tar rm baseR3.14.8.2.tar cd base- ### source startup/Site.cshrc
Edit configure/CONFIG_SITE:
set CROSS_COMPILER_TARGET_ARCHS=vxWorks-ppc604_long set CROSS_COMPILER_HOST_ARCHS=solaris-sparc you may also consider to change STATIC_BUILD=NO to STATIC_BUILD=YES, this way you can move the resulting binaries to other linux-x86 platforms [like a pc104 card] and they will run without needed to find shared libraries; unfortunately some other platforms may not build with STATIC_BUILD=YES ...
NOTE: you may use gmake -e CROSS_COMPILER_TARGET_ARCHS=vxWorks-ppc604_long then you probably do not need to modify 'configure/CONFIG_SITE'
Edit configure/os/CONFIG.Common.solaris-x86 and configure/os/CONFIG.Common.solaris-sparc:
add OP_SYS_LDLIBS_10 += -lCrun -lc -lCstd
Edit configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.Common.vxWorksCommon:
set VX_DIR = /usr/local/clas/devel_new/VxWorks55/ppc (do not do VX_DIR = $(WIND_BASE), it will not work !!!)
Fix src/libCom/test/epicsExceptionTest.cpp:
replace 'exThread athread;' with 'exThread *athread;' replace 'athread.waitForCompletion();' with 'athread->waitForCompletion();'
Making example IOC shell and boot script for Solaris
Just for testing, normally will be done in $EPICSB, see corresponding documants.
bin/solaris-sparc/makeBaseApp.pl -b $EPICS_BASE -t example ioctest bin/solaris-sparc/makeBaseApp.pl -b $EPICS_BASE -i -t example ioctest answers: solaris-sparc ioctest
NOTE: use 'bin/solaris-sparc/makeBaseApp.pl -b $EPICS_BASE -h' to get all possible options; for example: bin/solaris-sparc/makeBaseApp.pl -b $EPICS_BASE -i -t caClient caclient bin/solaris-sparc/makeBaseApp.pl -b $EPICS_BASE -t caServer caserver Directories 'caclientApp' and 'caserverApp' will be created; you can go inside and type 'gmake' and use contents as examples
cd ioctestApp gmake cd ../iocBoot/ioctest chmod +x st.cmd edit st.cmd: comment out '< envPaths' change all 'dbLoadRecords("db...' to 'dbLoadRecords("../../db...' ./st.cmd
This will fire up the epics ioc shell.....if this results in an epics> prompt...you're looking pretty. At the epics> prompt type dbl to see the database records loaded in this example.
If you want, on some host, direct your EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST to ioctest and from there you can caget or StripTool the records being processed on your ioc.
For vxWorks ioc, use following boot script:
# # simple epics boot example # # usage: # cd "$CODA/VXWORKS_ppc/bootscripts" # < epics.boot # cd "$CLON/R3.14.8.2/base-" ld < ioctest.munch ###sysAtReboot not found. epicsExit will not be called by reboot cd "$CLON/R3.14.8.2/base-" dbLoadDatabase("dbd/ioctest.dbd",0,0) ioctest_registerRecordDeviceDriver(pdbbase) dbLoadRecords("db/dbExample1.db","user=boiarino") dbLoadRecords("db/dbExample2.db","user=boiarino,no=1,scan=1 second") dbLoadRecords("db/dbExample2.db","user=boiarino,no=2,scan=2 second") dbLoadRecords("db/dbExample2.db","user=boiarino,no=3,scan=5 second") dbLoadRecords("db/dbSubExample.db","user=boiarino") iocInit() dbl
To build on other UNIX platforms:
cd $EPICS_BASE gmake clean gmake cd ioctestApp gmake cd ../iocBoot/ioctest edit first line in st.cmd setting appropriate path to 'ioctest' ./st.cmd
IOCs examples were successfully started on 4 unix platforms mentioned above, and on 5 Motorola controllers under vxWorks: mvme2306, mvme2432, mvme5100, mvme5500, mvme6100. For vxWorks make sure following C++ flags are defined in prjParams.h:
FROM ARNE's INSTRUCTIONS, UNTESTED: Building the sequencer/SNC example:
get the source from: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/comp/unix/package/epics/sequencer/ put the tarball in the base-3.14/src area 1. cd $EPICS_BASE/src 2. tar -zxvf seq-2.0.4.tar.gz OK at this point I got bitten by the impenetrable epics Makefile scheme and had to kludge my way to a working build. 1. cd seq-2.0.4/configure 2. chmod a+rw * 3. comment out the line that starts with EPICS_BASE in RELEASE 4. cd ../ 5. make # this will fail....but don't fret 6. cd include 7. ln -s ../../../include/* . 8. cd ../ 9. ln -s ../lib . 10. make # this too will result in an error message..... 11. cd test/simple/O.linux-x86 12. ls -l sncExample if sncExample has been built then you are in good shape..... follow the instructions in the R3.14.0beta1 howto on how to test the sequencer/state code........ I've had builds go where sncExample did not get correctly built unless I editted a seq-2.0.4/test/simple/Makefile changing EPICS_BASE_HOST_LIBS to EPICS_BASE_IOC_LIBS. If you get a bunch of unresolved function calls you might have to do this edit as well....