Sun X4100 server, JLAB property tag is F423601, s/n 0741BD103B, running RHEL4WS. Network information (4 ports are available):
nvidia0 - eth0 (MAC 00:14:4F:9A:84:1E) clonmon (Solaris name would be nge0) nvidia1 - eth3 (MAC 00:14:4F:9A:84:1F) clonmon-daq1 (Solaris name would be nge1) intel0 - dev5937 (MAC 00:14:4F:9A:84:20) clonmon-daq2 (Solaris name would be e1000g0) intel1 - eth1 (MAC 00:14:4F:9A:84:21) clonmon-sl1 (Solaris name would be e1000g1)
Shutdown ssh listening on .64. subnet by inserting following command in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
and restarting sshd:
/etc/init.d/sshd restart
1. Login as root
2. Install Apache 1.3 (version 2.0 and newer is not supported by Carrot project yet):
cd /usr/local/src cp ../downloads/apache_1.3.39.tar.gz . gunzip apache_1.3.39.tar.gz tar xvf apache_1.3.39.tar rm apache_1.3.39.tar mv apache_1.3.39 apache_1.3.39_clonmon cd apache_1.3.39_clonmon ./configure --enable-module=so --prefix=/www/apache1.3.39 make make install
3. In file /www/apache1.3.39/conf/httpd.conf, set User and Group to 'apache'
4. Fix startup script '/etc/init.d/httpd' setting correct pathes:
# config: /www/apache1.3.39/conf/httpd.conf # pidfile: /www/apache1.3.39/logs/ apachectl=/www/apache1.3.39/bin/apachectl httpd=${HTTPD-/www/apache1.3.39/bin/httpd} pidfile=${PIDFILE-/www/apache1.3.39/logs/}
Also, add following somewhere before apachectl definition (use actual root location):
export ROOTSYS=/apps/root/5.13.04 if [ ! -d $ROOTSYS ]; then echo -n "The directory ROOTSYS=$ROOTSYS does not exist" echo_failure echo exit 1 fi
5. Start and stop apache server using command
/etc/init.d/httpd stop/start
make sure everything work correctly. Make system to start it automatically on reboot:
chkconfig --level 3 httpd on chkconfig --level 4 httpd on chkconfig --level 5 httpd on chkconfig --list httpd
6. Login as boiarino, then do su to get root priveleges and right environment
7. Make sure ROOT is installed already ($ROOTSYS must point to it, normally in /apps/root area); also make sure LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes ROOTSYS, if not do following:
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${ROOTSYS}/lib or setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${ROOTSYS}/lib or for bash export "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ROOTSYS}/lib"
8. Install Carrot:
cd /usr/local/src cp ../downloads/Carrot-1.0.7.tar . tar xvf Carrot-1.0.7.tar rm Carrot-1.0.7.tar mv Carrot-1.0.7 Carrot-1.0.7_clonmon cd Carrot-1.0.7_clonmon make distclean
Modify file configure: set apxs_dirs="/www/apache1.3.39/bin"; files, and were modified already by inserting '', '', '' and '' after '', all this stuff will goto /www/apache1.3.39/conf/httpd.conf.
./configure make make install
Now move some stuff which was copied to the ROOT area, to apache area:
cd $ROOTSYS/macros tar cvf Carrot.tar Carrot mv Carrot.tar /www/apache1.3.39/htdocs/ cd /www/apache1.3.39/htdocs/ tar xvf Carrot.tar rm Carrot.tar cd Carrot mv 0index.html index.html
9. Modify /www/apache1.3.39/htdocs/index.html.en file by adding following:
To access ROOT histograms (Carrot project) click <a href="http://clonmon/Carrot/">Carrot tutorial</a>.
10. Restart apache server:
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
Open browser and type http://clonmon/, you should be able to use Carrot.