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Manual 2024 (pdf)

Old manual 2020 (pdf)

Pinout of the 34-pin connector (TI CPI has 40-pin connector, but first 34 pins are the same, although they are typically NOT ECL but LVDS)

Pin name Signal Name            Signal Level
 1 / 2    BUSY_out              + / - ECL
 3 / 4    Trigger_out           + / - ECL
 5 / 6    UserControlled_out1   + / - ECL
 7 / 8    UserControlled_out2   + / - ECL
 9 / 10   UserControlled_out3   + / - ECL
11 / 12   UserControlled_out4   + / - ECL
13 / 14   OT1                   + / - ECL
15 / 16   PromptTrigger_out     + / - ECL
17 / 18   Inhibit_in            + / - ECL
19 / 20   Trigger_in            + / - ECL
21 / 22   Trigger_ch#1_in       + / - ECL
23 / 24   Trigger_ch#2_in       + / - ECL
25 / 26   Trigger_ch#3_in       + / - ECL
27 / 28   Clock_in              + / - ECL
29 / 30   Trigger_ch#4_in       + / - ECL
31 / 32   Trigger_ch#5_in       + / - ECL
33 / 34   Trigger_ch#6_in       + / - ECL
35 / 36   
37 / 38   
39 / 40   CLK output

Installing driver on newly built machine

ssh boiarino@...
cd /usr/clas12/release/1.4.0/coda/src/TIpcieUS/xdma
make -B
make install

NOTE: On some machines, ssh as 'boiarino' and then type 'su', otherwise installation does not work !!!

NOTE: controlling tool can be used as following:

reboot machine
ssh as root
cd ~jgu/PCIeTI/TIpcieUS/tools
./TIcontrol   /dev/xdma0_user
for slave mode, type '2', then type '9'. It should bring TIpcie board to the right state. After that you can start the daq from scratch.

old version

Manual for TI board in PCI format in (pdf)

On some DELL servers (R440 for example) booter will give an pci error and ask to push F1. To disable F1 pushing, in BIOS go to 'System BIOS Settings' -> 'Miscellaneous Settings' -> 'F1/F2 Prompt on Error' and click 'Disabled'.

Sometimes device /dev/TIpcie may be removed during patching or/and rebooting process. To restore it do following as root:

cd $CODA/src/TIpcie/linux_driver