Sun X4100 server, JLAB property tag is F423601, s/n 0741BD103B, running RHEL4WS.
1. Install Apache 1.3 (version 2.0 and newer is not supported by Carrot project yet):
cd /usr/local/src cp ../downloads/apache_1.3.39.tar.gz . gunzip apache_1.3.39.tar.gz tar xvf apache_1.3.39.tar rm apache_1.3.39.tar mv apache_1.3.39 apache_1.3.39_clonmon cd apache_1.3.39_clonmon ./configure --enable-module=so --prefix=/www/apache1.3.39 make make install
2. In file /www/apache1.3.39/conf/httpd.conf, set User and Group to 'apache'
3. Fix startup script '/etc/init.d/httpd' setting correct pathes:
# config: /www/apache1.3.39/conf/httpd.conf # pidfile: /www/apache1.3.39/logs/ apachectl=/www/apache1.3.39/bin/apachectl httpd=${HTTPD-/www/apache1.3.39/bin/httpd} pidfile=${PIDFILE-/www/apache1.3.39/logs/}
4. Start and stop apache server using command
/etc/init.d/httpd stop/start
make sure everything work correctly.
5. Make sure ROOT is installed already ($ROOTSYS must point to it)
6. Install Carrot:
ROOTSYS does not set, must figure out how do it right way (inside /etc/init.d/httpd ??).