September 19, 2007 online meeting minutes

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present: Sergey Boyarinov, Sergey Pozdnyakov, Elliott Wolin, Eugene Pasyuk, Stepan Stepanyan, Valery Kubarovsky, Nerses Gevorgyan, Nikolay Balasanyan

1. PCAL (preshower calorimeter) test setup is almost ready. Missing hardware includes 20m flat delay cable between discriminator and TDC, all the rest seems in place. Some software work still needed: 'PATH too long' problem, IOC for HV mainframe (Nerses is working to make driver more generic). Sergey P. suggested to make 48-ch (board A1932) and 24-ch (board A1535) HV connectors different to avoid mis-plugging, he discussed that issue with CAEN already, it is good idea if does not require significant changes.

2. wolfram test setup is ready, the only missing part is ROOT-based histogramming, Sergey B. will make it. System is using MSQL from clon10 as all other setups, and running recent version of DAQ (same as CLAS and other test setups).

3. We started testing new channels in CLAS TOF system. Several changes were made in software: pedestal measurement procedure was adjusted, discriminator setting procedure was modified. Changes are required in event_monitor, EPICS GUIs, CED (will ask Dave Heddle), fast reconstruction code, online recsis and probably other places, including offline analysis code.

4. We discussed again photon trigger logic cleanup and decided do not touch it now. Sergey P. and Valery will come up with the new structure and all necessary modifications will be made after G9A run (around February-March of 2008), so it will be ready for the next G12 run.

Several other issues were discussed. New clon04 will be running 32-bit Linux to avoid possible 64-bit-related problems. Carl Timmer is working to modify ET system to allow better ET2ET protocol. DVCS Trigger requirements document is in progress. Active collimator maybe needed DAQ for calibration - to be decided.