November 8, 2017 online meeting minutes
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present: Sergey Boyarinov, Valery, Nathan, Cole, Chris Cuevas, Ben Raydo, Rafo by bluejeans: Andrea Celentano, Raffaella
1. CLAS12 trigger
- hardware: all trigger components installed; 2 VTPs are in repair, should be ready next week, goto FTOF; TS back yard still in production
- cabling: all fibers and ethernet/serial cables are installed; have to connect mvt1 TI; scalers connections, FC trigger
- software: stage1 trigger software (ECAL/PCAL/HTCC/FTOF) passed to Rafo for testing, work in progress to establish reliable procedure to produce GEMC files in appropriate format, some problems on JAVA side, Carl involved; stage2/3 modeling still due
- stage2/3 firmware (Ben): in progress, lookup tables being implemented, focus on hardware implementation, will be checked detector by detector, will start tomorrow
- FT cosmic test is waiting for FT to be ready; Raffaella will let us know
- Valery is working on trigger commissioning plan, presented preliminary proposal; Valery asked Andrea and Raffaella to write hadron part plan; first goal is to set trigger to check detectors, no worries about efficiency, different triggers for different detectors may be needed (for example mip trigger for ECAL/PCAL, electron trigger without HTCC for HTCC, and electron trigger for the rest); after that electron trigger will be commissioned, followed by hadron trigger;
- monitoring: scalers from day and trigger - before and after prescale for every trigger bit; we'll talk about monitoring software on next meeting
2. DAQ preparations
- CTOF/CND test run: local daq was organized with adcctof1 as master and tdcctof1 and adccnd1 as slaves, triggering from SD boards as 'OR' of all FADCs, data for CTOF was taken and looks good, CND cabling finished last night and will be tested today; test run associated with solenoid turn-on will be conducted today around 3pm
- SD jumpers installation due
- daq performance test to be performed
- TDC calibration: waiting for Andrey Kim to analyze data taken from tdcftof2 crate and decide if data good enough for calibration
- scalers: we decided to have designated scaler crate, so crate scaler1 was installed on pie tower, connected to ethernel and fibers, Bryan Moffit is working on Intel-based library for sis3801 scalers
- clondaq3 and clondaq5 were converted to RHEL7, configuration in progress; clon10/00 to do
- clonpc's being updated with NVIDIA drivers, 2 quad cards arrived