March 10, 2010 online meeting minutes

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present: Sergey Boyarinov, Sergey Pozdnyakov, Patrick Collins, Eugene Pasyuk, Hovanes, Ben Raydo

1. Helicity: optic-nim converter installed in the Counting Room, all 4 helicity signals from MCC panel looks good; will do final check in the Hall; two user bits in polar struck scalers will be helicity and quartet; helicity strob will be used to generate program1 events; need to check 500us in polar area (comes from FC ?)

2. level2 was rewired after relocation to clastrig2, software was adjusted. Ben has new version of Level1 trigger firmware/software, Chris tested all signals coming from Drift Chamber, will test everything together today; will be good to cleanup upper camac crate in trigger rack; ST ADC gate must be checked

3. Calibration runs will be started as soon as trigger system and whole DAQ are tested, TOF and EC as usual (no CC)

4. DAQ was tested reading Drift Chamber with pulser trigger, today after CLAS final assembly full DAQ test will be conducted

5. New partition g9frost was created on SILO and in stage area, will switch today; check why do not have 10GBit to sfs61

6. New EPICS variables to be tested (Stepan's emain), check databases; check TESC bank contents

7. Trigger configs: g12 examples can be used, Eugene will ask Valery to copy and then adjust if necessary, including normalization to MOR trigger input

8. Official start tomorrow with 5 days comissioning