April 11, 2012 online meeting minutes

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present: Sergey Boyarinov, Stepan Stepanyan, Sergey Pozdnyakov, Chris Cuevas, Ben Reydo, Eugene Pasyuk, FX, Valery, Hai

1. HPS preparations: room 121 in EEL have 86 subnet now, ready for SVT testing (SLAC and CLAS12 SVTs); HPS scaler gui is ready; trigger development is in progress, Hai is working on FADC->CTP alignment; hope for Friday to receive all boards and keep it in counting room and move it to the hall on Monday; pedestal will not be subtracted in trigger login of the FADC in current version, Hai will try to implement it during following week (or measure and set offset to have zero pedestal); Sergey B. will work on offset measurement/loading in ROL1 to use raw window mode to measure and use in trigger chain

2. g14b is running, new target is polarized, no DAQ changes are required