July 29, 2020 online meeting minutes
present: Sergey, vpk, rafo, Raffaella, nathan, Stepan
1. Trigger upgrade progress: drift chamber - Rafo/Sergey
2. DAQ high event rate test: 60kHz random pulser tests were conducted with different subsets of crates; FADCs are working fine; DCRB after firmware upgrade to version 1.5 are working fine as well; some crates with CAEN TDCs (tdcftof's) shows problems in TI readout but it looks like induced by CAEN TDCs and depends on trigger rule 1 settings, study will be continued; VTP readout will be checked as well
3. Preparation for upcoming run: cosmic data being taken occasionally using PROD66 configuration to check various detectors, so far everything works; Sergey is updating daq expert documentation and will work with Rafo to introduce him to daq operations