February 26, 2020 online meeting minutes
present: Sergey Boyarinov, Stepan, Nathan, Valery, Ben
1. RG-F run status
- DAQ event rate is only few kHz, data rate significantly below 100MB/s because of gas target, with beam current 250nA
- trigger is electron with drift chamber roads and 300MeV EC threshold, seems sufficient for production running
- big dead time produced by RTPC readout, cannot run faster then about 1.5kHz if desired lifetime is above 90%
- beam current unlikely to be increased, so we will stay with current settings for entire run
2. Streaming DAQ progress
- still need to fix VTP TCP/IP issues (Ben)
- reconstruction algorithms to be considered for online data processing: offline code, level1 code, ...; can be tested as 'level3' in current DAQ