February 6, 2019 online meeting minutes
present: Sergey Boyarinov, vpk, Raffaella, Graham, Ben, Iordanka, Silvia, Eugene, Nathan, Stepan
1. Run preparations
- level3 and helicity correction: implemented, will be tested tomorrow
- trigger changes:
- * trigger file 1: basic trigger (with new htcc !) without roads, all from Dec run is there including dc super layers multiplicity; data-based roads and dc-pcal geom match in tagging mode - random run 150Mevents for validation
trigger files 2,3: mc-based roads and gsim-based roads, road-pcal match, road-htcc match if ready - 2 validation runs against electron events, do not need random runs
decide on production trigger
multi-stream ER will be ready in case we need higher data rate (higher beam current possible
official run period name - 'rg-b'