January 16, 2019 online meeting minutes
present: Sergey Boyarinov, Eugene Pasyuk, vpk, Rafo, Raffaella, Irakli, Ben, Stepan, Cole
1. Run preparations:
1. TS scalers readout change - Sergey/Nathan: DiagGuiServer reports lifetime and scalers as activemq messages, it is the only place; Nathan will include changes in epics
2. add 16-channel scope to FADC - Ben: was implemented by previous meeting, used in cosmic for few days, no problems so far
3. add normalized scaler with total charge to FADC250 - Ben: was implemented by previous meeting, same as previous, adcft1/2/3 to be completed
4. plug RF to right place - Sergey: done
5. Make sure new HTCC trigger is ready - Rafo, Sergey, Ben: Ben will do efficiency study on data and C++code
6. Trigger dictionary for inbending: new dictionary made by Raffaella with 1GeV threshold and PCALu/v/w; column for HTCC is there and empty; if HTCC dictionary is ready by next wednesday (Jan 23) Ben will implement it for coming run, otherwise we'll leave it for future
7. Level 3 with helicity correction - Sergey: in progress, coda_l3 is fully implemented, in particular it can be added to configuration using codaedit, started in runcontrol as any other component; helicity delay reporting correction in progress
8. New TDs to be installed - Sergey: 2 installed so far, will be done shortly
9. Test setup and spares in counting room - Sergey: ready
10. Check spare pool again, clean up old boards - Sergey, Nathan (RF splitter for example): in progress
11. Install separate crate for v288's (classchv1): done
12. BAND need 8 DCS2's and Chris will give them remaining FADCs: all boards installed in both crates: 16 FADCs, 16 DCS2s, 2 v1190 TDCs, all firmwares up to date, coda configuration fixed, ready to go
- new cable from sf to piw to get new connector - in progress
- Chris will cleanup vme filters
- trigger pattern in ET control word - Sergey will check; for cosmic runs and future data processing
- implement better roc sync check - coda_mon ??
2. BONUS readout: waiting for words from Irakli on final solution, if both TPC and MM used we will need 1 new VXS crate - will come from Sacley; 1G should be enough
3. HPS DAQ/Trigger: all hardware installed, hodoscope+FDCs still in EEL, trigger firmware to go - Ben