Install Apache ActiveMQ
- Download ActiveMQ from, both the tar file and the key file.
- Copied both files to /usr/local/activemq.
- Verifying the checksum with PGP did not work on "halld-sc" computer. Ignored it for now.
- Untared the tar-file in the /usr/local/activemq directory.
- Go to /usr/local/activemq/apache-activemq-5.5.1 directory and start by issuing
cd bin ./activemq console (interactive mode) ./activemq start (batch mode)
- When checking the port with netstat I get
halld-sc:apache-activemq-5.5.1> netstat -an | fgrep 61616 tcp 0 0 :::61616 :::* LISTEN
indicating that ActiveMQ is running.
Install C++ API
cd /usr/local/src cp /usr/downloads/activemq-cpp-library-3.8.2-src.tar . tar xvf activemq-cpp-library-3.8.2-src.tar rm activemq-cpp-library-3.8.2-src.tar cd activemq-cpp-library-3.8.2-src ./configure --prefix=/usr/local make make install
Running C++ example
Go to /usr/local/src/activemq-cpp-library-3.8.2-src. Modify src/examples/main.cpp file setting hostname where ActiveMQ broker is running, line
Type 'make', the run it:
It will print messages like 'Message #1993 Received: Hello world! from thread 140724062602600' and in the end 'Time to completion = 0.178 seconds.'.
NOTE1: on RHEL5/CentOS5 apr-1.4.8.tar.gz was installed by commands './configure --prefix=/usr/local', 'make', 'make install'
NOTE2: on RHEL5/CentOS5 openssl-1.0.1e.tar.gz was installed by commands './config --prefix=/usr/local', 'make', 'make install'