JLAB SILO system is used to move data to tape during data taking. It is controlled by cron job on Event Recorder machine (currently clondaq5/clondaq6), run as user 'clascron' (shows setting for kpp run, data recorded into /data/totape directory and deleted automatically after being recorded to the tape):
clondaq6:clascron> crontab -l # Scan for to-tape files every 15 minutes 10,25,40,55 * * * * /usr/local/scicomp/jasmine/bin/jmigrate /data/totape /data/totape /mss/clas12/kpp/data -jvm:-Dfile.transfer.client.displayrates=true # access occasionally to keep it visible * * * * * /bin/csh -c "(ls -al /lustre/scicomp/jasmine/fairy2/) >>&! /usr/logs/disks/clondaq6_lustre" * * * * * /bin/csh -c "(sleep 48; rm -f /usr/logs/disks/clondaq6_lustre) >>&! /dev/null" clondaq6:clascron>
Following line must be present in /etc/' file:
/lustre/scicomp/jasmine/fairy2 -fstype=nfs,rw,async,vers=3 scidaqgw10a:/lustre/scicomp/jasmine/fairy2
and mount-point directory /lustre/scicomp/jasmine/fairy2 must exist.
Request have to be submitted to Computer Centre to create corresponding volume (clas12/kpp/data in example above) if used for the first time.