August 3, 2016 online meeting minutes
present: Sergey Boyarinov, Cole Smith, Ben Raydo
VTP status was discussed:
- testing: VTP board assembling almost done, front panels being delivered and installed, acceptance tests will start today and finished as soon as all front panels delivered (about week, unless problems found); several modules should be available for installation in a week; will install in EC and implement inner only for the beginning (sector 2); will be triggering from PCAL's v1495 and read VTP as ROC, then later take trigger from VTP itself; visualization, configuration software to be developed (some exist but have to be adjusted for VTP)
- Linux porting:
- CODA porting:
- ECAL implementation:
- installation schedule:
- etc: TS and TD boards support was added to the CLAS12 DAQ, configuration with 37 crates (trig1 with TS and TDs and 36 forward carriage crates) was tested using random pulser, average data rate reaches 1.35GBit/sec; cables being installed to make OR trigger using CAEN v1495 boards installed in 6 sectors, so DAQ is ready for VTP installation