April 17, 2013 online meeting minutes
present: Sergey Boyarinov, Sergey Pozdnyakov, Eugene Pasyuk
1. CLAS12: first crates (adcecal1) was completely populated, Sergey P. made a scripts adcecal1_start/exit; we discovered (during FADC/TI firmware flashing procedure) that TI does not properly responds to VME commands with all boards inserted, and even trace it to the presence of the SD board, will debug that problem today with the help of Fast Electronic Group; after everything is fixed we'll go crate by crate taking short runs with pulser trigger to check preliminary is all boards are operational, the same controller adcecal1 will be used in every crate; one observation: ftof1 (slave to ftof0) seems list clock which suppose to come from ftof0, although tiStatus in ftof0 shows 'FF' for fiber status; rebooting ftof1 did not help, rebooting ftof0 helped
bigiron lost connection Monday 3:20am, have to recycle power
2. Test setups: ltcc0 is operational, FADC/TI firmware upgrades were completed; still running FTOF, Dan is analyzing data