CLAS12 SVT readout board, designed by JLAB Fast Electronics Group (Ben Raydo).
Preliminary document 1: (pdf) (docx)
Preliminary document 2: (pdf) (docx)
SVT2 testsetup: contains VSCM board(s), SD, TI and compactflash-based CPU. To start CODA ssh clasrun@svt2 and type svt2_start. To kill CODA type svt2_exit. Config file: $CLAS/parms/vscm/VSCMConfig.txt.
Data format from the board:
Data format after ROL2:
<dictEntry name="SVT Raw Data" tag="0xe104" num="0" type="uint32"> <description>
0(31:27)=0x10+0x08 "FSSREVT" 0(22:22) "HFCBID" 0(21:19) "CHIPID" 0(18:12) "CH" 0(11:04) "LATENCY" 0(02:00) "ADC"
</description> </dictEntry>