Main CLON cluster server, running DNS, NIS etc services.
SUN V240 SPARC machine under Solaris, s/n: FN62610004, f/n: F46986.
Serial connection: 'ssh root:clon00@hallb-ts1'.
Install Solaris in according to Solaris Installation Procedure and Solaris Customization on CLON Cluster.
Configure and start slave DNS server and slave NIS server.
Install and start Bootp service.
Start Tftp service.
Install EtherLite32 software.
Configure Sudo (22-nov-2007 Sergey copied 'sudoers' file from the old clon10, need to clean it up !).
Export /data partition using NFS.
---++ Additional features
- DHCP relay server* forwards all requests to BOOTP server running on localhost
To configure/unconfigure use