December 12, 2007 online meeting minutes
present: Sergey Boyarinov, Sergey Pozdnyakov, Nerses Gevorgyan, Eugene Pasyuk, Hovanes Egiyan, Vitaly Baturin
1. G9A run status
- Lecroy 2313 discr replacements: RF (1), TOF (2 from new TOF counters)
repair status: 5 2313, 5 HV boards, usually takes about month need JLAB discr: James may do that in a few month, need official arrangement, James or Chris will do that, Sergey will talk to Volker again
- RF monitoring was improved in PAW monitoring
- few broken LAC HV boards to be repaired, we'll send and Italians will pay
- Jerry built online recsis, it runs but crashes and it does not fill occupancy plots, work in progress
- h2root to clonmon
- clasweb: restarted httpd and tomcat to fix; next time may look at log file, ask CC to do that
- clon02 key board speaker died ? somebody switched to internal spiker
2. Projects review:
- CLAS12 trigger: Ben and Sergey are working on level1 (EC clusters); may test next year on real calorimeters
- EPICS: Lecroy HV support was implemented in 3.14 and under testing in classc0 test setup, now we have both CAENs and Lecroy HV implemented, as well as HallSystems
separate alarms will be generated for test setup (Nerses)
medm hist problem: sciplot does not support filled hists, xrtgraf do it but need license, Nerses is working
TO DO: use standard iocCore instead of custom ones as it is done now
cleanup: restored, old epics
CAMAC in progress,
medm, edm, ...
- BONUS readout
PCI TI board is in progress by Ben (will be PCI, not PCI-X, so we need PC with both), we have a list of equipment needed, will buy it shortly after making sure we have necessary software support, mail Abbott about it
- electronics inventory db
Sergey P. is filling up database, in a meanwhile we can start to implement notification scripts, for example 'repair status' and 'spare status'; also need procedure scripts, for example found spare module, replace module etc; need web frontend (student job ?); need history !!! (if line changed, create new line, preserve existing one)
standard operations (queries):
- search for board type, repair status etc with sorting - replacement procedure - repair procedure - new electronics inserts - decommission items ..............
- on Vitaly's request we'll order equipment for CLAS12 central TOF test setup