October 10, 2007 online meeting minutes
present: Sergey Boyarinov, Elliott Wolin, Eugene Pasyuk, Ben Raydo, Nerses*2, Tanest, Serguei, Stepan
DVCS Trigger System
- datafile containing DVCS raw data was created and passed to Ben
- Ben: threshold 50 (adjustable), event display, hits per cluster 3 (adjustable), window 3x3, bigger or variable requires more space in FPGA; Ben will run good file through with different 50 and 3, make 2DIM plot, get efficiency, then process all data and get rejection; simple tool for simple logic ??
- got quotation for 2 more v895 discriminators, will be ordered
- hodoscope - 60 channels: v895's for them
- borrow v1495 asap
- 2eSST test for v1190/v1290 started in the Hall, ec4 equiped with mvme6100
- new ET installed, everything looks good so far; et_2_et has new option direct for communication between machines which are not sharing any subnets
- old CAEN sy527 mainframes in LAC area are included into new EPICS (Sergey B., Nerses, Hovanes); some troubles communicating with v288 CAENET controller; will run for a while to get experience
- include LAC into old EPICS GUIs
- ioc reboot buttons
- fix fan in mainframe 1 in LAC (Tom Carstens)
- send sy257 which just arrived fro repair back to repair (who is tracking them ?)
G9-FROST preparations
- calibration runs
- new SILO directory
- fix list of page receivers (run coordinator, PDL - what time periods ?)
- helicity correction: fix error around flip
- before and during the run we'll use G9-FROST page to store information related to the DAQ/Online systems