Serial Line Connections to ROC.
---+ ETHERLITE Terminal Servers
---++ Hardware | *Name* | *Ethernet Address* | *IP Name* | *Location* | *Ports* | *Protocol* | | els0 | 00a0e7008569 | etherlite1 | FC1 | 0-31 | RS232 | | els1 | 00a0e721288b | rs422a | FC2 | 32-33 | RS422 | | els2 | 00a0e7213b9f | etherlite2 | SF1S | 34-65 | RS232 | | els3 | 00a0e72141bd | rs422b | SCS | 66-67 | RS422 | | els4 | 00a0e72141b9 | rs422c | SF1S | 68-69 | RS422 | | els5 | 00a0e72141ae | rs422d | SF1N | 70-71 | RS422 | | els6 | 00a0e72141c4 | rs422e | SF2N | 72-73 | RS422 | | els7 | 00a0e72141b1 | rs422f | GS | 74-75 | RS422 | | els8 | 00a0e7214019 | etherlite3 | SF1N | 76-107 | RS232 | | els9 | 00a0e7214003 | etherlite4 | SCS | 108-139 | RS232 | | elsa | 00a0e7214e24 | etherlite8 | GS | ???? | RS232 | | elsb | 00a0e72331b2 | etherlite9 | CR | ???? | RS232 | | elsc | 00a0e721402e | etherlite5 | FC1 | ???? | RS232 |
---+++ Key Meaning
$ FC: Forward Carriage $ FC1: Forward Carriage, 1st level up from ground $ FC2: Forward Carriage, 2nd level up from ground $ SF: Space Frame $ SF0: Space Frame, ground level $ SF1S: Space Frame, 1st level up from ground, South $ SF1N: Space Frame, 1st level up from ground, North $ SF2: Space Frame, 2nd level up from ground $ SF2N: Space Frame, 2nd level up from ground, North $ SF2S: Space Frame, 2nd level up from ground, South $ SCS: South Clam Shell structure $ NCS: North Clam Shell structure $ GS: Gas Shed
---++ Wiring The terminal server cables are cat 5 cables with 4 twisted pairs of conductors. Each conductor is fed into an RJ45 connector, which is numbered from right to left, looking at the front of the plug with the tab down. Using Hall B's convention, this table describes which wire colors should be fed to which RJ45 conductors at either end of the connection. The wiring will be different at the terminal server and the device. This wiring scheme will allow a connection to be made directly to a Motorola computer with an RJ45 console connector. For devices with a DSUB connector, there are converters available at the lab, and they rely on this wiring configuration as well. |*Server Wire Color*| *RJ45 Pin* | *Device Wire Color* | *Signal (at Server end)*| |Brown |1| Orange |RTS| |Blue |2| Orange Stripe |DSR| |Brown Stripe |3| Blue |DCD| |Blue Stripe |4| Blue Stripe |!RxD| |Green |5| Green |!TxD| |Green Stripe |6| Green Stripe|SG| |Orange |7| Brown |DTR| |Orange Stripe |8| Brown Stripe |CTS|
---++ Configuration /etc/bootptab on *CLON10*:
# Etherlite 32 RS232, Forward Carriage 1st Level, etherlite1 els0:sm= # Etherlite 2 RS422, Forward Carriage 2nd Level, rs422a els1:sm= # Etherlite 32 RS232, Space Frame 1st Level South, etherlite2 els2:sm= els3:sm= els4:sm= els5:sm= els6:sm= # Gas Shed 422 server, rs422f els7:sm= # Etherlite 32 RS232, Space Frame 1st Level North etherlite3 els8:sm= # Etherlite 32 RS232, South Clam Shell etherlite4 els9:sm= # Gas Shed 232 2-port server, etherlite8 elsa:sm= # Etherlite 32 RS232, Counting Room #elsb:sm= elsb:sm= # Etherlite 32 RS232, Forward Carriage, 1st Level, etherlite5 elsc:sm=
---++ Changing configuration
if terminal server have to be replaced, do following:
* set new MAC address in configuration file /etc/bootptab * kill -HUP for 'bootpd' * kill -HUP for '/usr/sbin/rpc.bootparamd' * start manualy /usr/sbin/rpc.bootparamd