EPICS: Software IOC
Software IOC is the process running on Linux or Solaris. For initial setting do following:
ssh boiarino@clonpc1 cd $CLAS/R3.14.8.2 source .setup (usually done by $CLAS/.setup) cd $CLAS/R3.14.8.2/EPICS source .setup cd baseB (or 'cd $BASEB')
New application can be done using 'makeBaseApp.pl' script. To see possible application types use following:
makeBaseApp.pl -l
It will show:
Valid application types are: support ioc example caClient caServer Valid iocBoot types are: example ioc
Following command will create new type 'example' application named 'test1' (it will NOT create new Makefile and configure/ directory if they exists already, otherwise it will !):
makeBaseApp.pl -b $EPICS_BASE -t example test1
It will create subdirectory test1App with appropriate contents; do following:
cd test1App make
To make boot script do following:
makeBaseApp.pl -b $EPICS_BASE -i -t example test1
Following dialog:
The following target architectures are available in base: solaris-sparc vxWorks-ppc604_long solaris-x86 linux-x86 What architecture do you want to use? linux-x86 The following applications are available: test1 What application should the IOC(s) boot? The default uses the IOC's name, even if not listed above. Application name? test1
It will do following:
create iocBoot/ and iocBoot/Makefile if do not exists already create iocBoot/iostest1 with appropriate contents creade db/ if does not exist already (?) copy *.db files from test1App/Db/ to db/ create dbd/ if does not exist already (?) copy some (?) *.dbd files from test1App/ to dbd/ (xxxRecord.dbd, xxxSupport.dbd) create dbd/test1.dbd (copies some templete from base ???) create include/ if does not exist (?) copy xxxRecord.h file to include/ (from some templete ?) (corresponds to some dbd file ?) copy libxxxSupport.a and libxxxSupport.so to lib/linux-x86/ (or whatever platform is)
To create environment envPaths:
cd iocBoot make
It will create ioctest1/envPaths