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  • tag defines a row in an HTML table; element contains one or more or elements
  • tag defines a header cell in an HTML table, contains header information, text are bold and centered by default.
  • tag defines a standard cell in an HTML table, contains data, text are regular and left-aligned by default.

- standard attribute, the classname is mostly used to point to a class in a style sheet; however, it can also be used by a JavaScript (via the HTML DOM) to make changes to HTML elements with a specified class. - N is the number of columns a cell should span - aligns the content in a cell; "xxx" can be left, right, center, justify, char - vertical aligns the content in a cell; "xxx" can be top, middle, bottom, baseline

  • <table> tag defines an HTML table; an HTML table consists of the <table> element and one or more , , and elements; the element defines a table row, the element defines a table header, and the element defines a table cell.

<table cellpadding='"N" cellspacing='"M"> - N is the space between the cell wall and the cell content, M is the space between cells (in pixels)

<table style="border: 3px solid #DDDDDD"> - the width of the borders around a table will be 3 pixels, it will be solid and light grey

<table style="display: none;"> - the table will not be displayed at all

<table id="tblCblTypes"> - specifies a unique id tblCblTypes for the table; it can be used to manipulate table with JavaScript (document.getElementById(`tblCblTypes`)...)

  • <form> - HTML form is used to pass data to a server; can contain one or more of the following form elements: <input>, <textarea>, <button>, <select>, <option>, <optgroup>, <fieldset>, <label> (NOTE: The <form> element is a block-level element, and browsers create a line break before and after a form)
