January 12, 2011 online meeting minutes
present: Sergey Boyarinov, Nerses, Sergey Boyarinov, Eugene Pasyuk
1. TPE run status:
- trigger was modified (bit8: TOFP2 in opposite sectors, bit12: EC only), more changes are needed to include L2 for bit 8; probably Chris have to try to turn off back part in Level2
- clasweb was replaced by new machine under RHEL5; problem was reported today about run database access
- HV alarms: warning for BART-MEASURED comparision; we have an ERROR on SET-MEASURED right now; check if channel is enabled, if disabled the alarm should not be generated
INFO: IOC has measured, demand, input; MAINFRAME has measured, set; when type value in IOC input, it goes to IOC demand and to MAINFRAME set; or not ??? Nerses will investigate; possible improvement is to make WARNING alarm between BART and MAINFRAME measured
- LAC need to be included
2. CAEN HV testing: