This server is being used as *DAQ Event Builder* SUN Fire V40z, 4x1.8GHz i86, 8GB RAM
[[1][Specifications]] [[2][System Hand Book]]
---+ How To
* pkg_get: install new package from Solaris Free Software * compilers: Sun Studio 12
---+ RAID disks:
* Partitioning:
fdisk /dev/rdsk/c2t40d{0123}p0 format /dev/rdsk/c2t40d{0123}p0 label auto Create Filesystem: newfs /dev/rdsk/c2t40d0s6
* Devices: /dev/rdsk/c2t40d{0123}s6
After Solaris installation:
1. Add following SILO-related lines to the /etc/auto_direct file:
/usr/local/mss -rw,bg clonfs2:/vol/vol0/local/mss /ssa -rw,bg clonfs2:/vol/vol0/ssa
Restart autofs:
svcadm restart system/filesystem/autofs
2. Make /raid/stage_in link:
cd / ln -s /ssa/active raid