Linux Customization on CLON Cluster
Following steps must be performed to complain with CLON Cluster requirements:
1. Automount
DO NOT NEED ANY MORE * Include machine name into clonfs1 export list
- Add/Modify automounts-related files in '/etc' directory (or copy them from similar machine) and symbolic links. Restart automount service.
NOTE: To mount temporary iso images use command:
mkdir /mnt/isoimage mount -o loop -t iso9660 blablabla.iso /mnt/isoimage
- on daq servers, set ramdisk and disable swap by running swapoff -a and commenting out swap line in /etc/fstab
- on daq servers, install TIpci card driver if needed, see JLAB PCI TI
- (ON RHEL5 DO yum install mysql-devel): perform MySQL Installation
- install Scons (needed for example by evio compilation)
- customize Java
- install MYA - related stuff
- for EPICS machines: copy /etc/sudoers
- Install required Tcl/Tk packages
- Install Mellanox driver if needed
- Install required PERL modules
- DO NOT NEED ON RHEL5: activate Ntp service (by default it is disabled, at least in RHEL4)
- Proceed with SUN's JAVA installation (default one is IBM's and our stuff is not compiling; besides all Sun machines have Sun's JAVA and we want to have the same version everywhere).
- install UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supplies) - related software
- configure printers (see Troubleshooting printing)
- configure X server if your machine has display(s)
- setup Nrpe