January 30, 2019 online meeting minutes
present: Sergey, Raffaella, Stepan, Eugene, Andrea, Silvia, Ben, vpk
- level3 helicity correction: sync works, but scaler1 struck bank late 10-20 events against actual helicity flip, Sergey is working to adjust algorithm
- new TDs: transceivers were shaped between new TDs and SSPs, transceiver in tdcctof1 TI replaced as well, problem never showed up again, will watch it
- electronic cleanup: in progress
- new trigger: peal-related geometry bug was fixed, new roads generated for all 3 options (fast mc, full mc, data), geometry difference found between data and simulation, probably pcal-related; real drift chamber geometry may be different from what in software but not more then 1 wire scale; Ben is running validation for trigger firmware (1 event per second); all dictionaries are double wires, no triple wires any more; fast mc dictionary is ready, others need to be regenerated with both plus and minus roads, will be ready tomorrow and passed to Ben; data validation plan: take random data with roads in tagging mode (4 runs (mc, gems, data, gemc+data)), validating htcc, new dc algorithms etc), run with december 10GeV rg-a trigger with FT in tagging mode until validation complete, in a meanwhile validate trigger using random data, then decide on rg-k trigger
- Andrea reported inefficiency in FT trigger related to pre-pulse in hodoscope, need data with FT in tagging mode, will do that, will increase threshold above pre-pulse
- if tracking efficiency improved we may go for higher beam current; will prepare multi stream event recorder