Cyclades TS1000 Lunux-based Terminal Server, located in Counting Room. Manufacturer's info can be found on Cyclades web site. General information:
* 16 port console/terminal server * IP name: hallb-ts1. * web access: user 'root', pass 'tslinux' (factory default password, maybe need to change ..) * port numbering: ttyS1-ttyS16 * Port connection: 'ssh root:ttySN@hallb-ts1' where N is port number from 1 to 16. * Escape sequence to disconnect is "~."
Port Map:
| *Port#* | *Port name* | *Servername* | *Comment* | 1 | ttyS1 | hallb-rtr | BigIron 15000 switch/router | 2 | ttyS2 | clon00 | SUN V240 server | 3 | ttyS3 | clon10 | SUN Netra 240 server | 4 | ttyS4 | clonfs2 | NetApp F87 file server (old) | 5 | ttyS5 | clonfs1 | NetApp FAS2020 file server (new) | 6 | ttyS6 | clondb2 | does not work ?? | 7 | ttyS7 | clonpc3 | does not work ?? | 8 | ttyS8 | clondb1 | SUN X4200 MySQL database server | 9 | ttyS9 | bethsw3 | Cisco Catalyst 2970 switch | 10 | ttyS10 | | | 11 | ttyS11 | | | 12 | ttyS12 | | | 13 | ttyS13 | | | 14 | ttyS14 | | | 15 | ttyS15 | | | 16 | ttyS16 | |
Cyclades-TS Documentation: Cyclades-TS QuickStart Guide Cyclades-TS User Guide
Initial installation was performed using serial line: IP address, gateway, mask etc.
To connect from console: connect PC to 'console' input and power up.
login: root pass: tslinux
Ports setup was performed from web interface:
click on 'Serial Ports' choose port you want to configure and click 'Submit' set 'Authentication Type' to 'Local' ('None' will allowed ssh to port without password) set 'Protocol' to 'Socket SSH' (otherwise ssh will not work) set 'Server Farm' to the name you want to assign to the port (usually name of device connected to the port, like 'clon10') click 'Submit'
Repeat that for all ports you want to setup. When done, click 'Run Configuration', choose 'Serial Ports ..' and click 'Activate Configuration'. Make sure you can connect to all ports you just configured, for example:
ssh root:clon10@hallb-ts1
To make changes permanent, click 'Load/Save Config' and 'Save to Flash'. Click 'Reboot' and make sure that all ports are working properly.
Wire map:
1. To clon00/clon10/clondaq1/etc
RJ45 - RJ45 1 (O) --> 8 (wBr) 2 (wO) --> 7 (Br) 3 (G) --> 6 (wBl) 4 (wG) --> 5 (Bl) 5 (Bl) --> 4 (wG) 6 (wBl) --> 3 (G) 7 (Br) --> 2 (wO) 8 (wBr) --> 1 (O)
Old Wire map, not sure what it is:
RJ45-RJ45->CUS9899(Red)->DB9(f) 1 (O) --> 1 2 (wO) --> 2 3 (G) --> 5 --------> 2 4 (wBl) --> 6 5 (Bl) --> 3 --------> 5 6 (wG) --> 4 --------> 3 7 (Br) --> 7 8 (wBr) --> 8
RJ45-RJ45->CUS9898(Blue)->DB9(f) 1 (O) --> 1 2 (wO) --> 2 3 (G) --> 4 --------> 2 4 (wG) --> 6 5 (Bl) --> 3 --------> 5 6 (wBl) --> 5 --------> 3 7 (Br) --> 7 8 (wBr) --> 8