VI editor
Quick reference
- General Startup
To use vi: vi filename To exit vi and save changes: ZZ or :wq To exit vi without saving changes: :q! To enter vi command mode: [esc]
- Counts
A number preceding any vi command tells vi to repeat
that command that many times.
- Cursor Movement
h move left (backspace)
j move down
k move up
l move right (spacebar)
[return] move to the beginning of the next line
$ last column on the current line
0 move cursor to the first column on the current line
^ move cursor to first nonblank column on the current line
w move to the beginning of the next word or punctuation mark
W move past the next space
b move to the beginning of the previous word or punctuation mark
B move to the beginning of the previous word, ignores punctuation
e end of next word or punctuation mark
E end of next word, ignoring punctuation
H move cursor to the top of the screen
M move cursor to the middle of the screen
L move cursor to the bottom of the screen
- Screen Movement
G move to the last line in the file
xG move to line x
z+ move current line to top of screen
z move current line to the middle of screen
z- move current line to the bottom of screen
^F move forward one screen
^B move backward one line
^D move forward one half screen
^U move backward one half screen
^R redraw screen
( does not work with VT100 type terminals )
^L redraw screen
( does not work with Televideo terminals )
- Inserting
r replace character under cursor with next
character typed
R keep replacing character until [esc] is hit
i insert before cursor
a append after cursor
A append at end of line
O open line above cursor and enter append mode
- Deleting
x delete character under cursor
dd delete line under cursor
dw delete word under cursor
db delete word before cursor
- Copying Code
yy (yank)'copies' line which may then be put by
the p(put) command. Precede with a count for multiple lines.
- Put Command
brings back previous deletion or yank of lines,
words, or characters
P bring back before cursor
p bring back after cursor
- Find Commands
? finds a word going backwards
/ finds a word going forwards
f finds a character on the line under the
cursor going forward
F finds a character on the line under the
cursor going backwards
t find a character on the current line going
forward and stop one character before it
T find a character on the current line going backward and stop one character before it
; repeat last f, F, t, T
- Miscellaneous Commands
. repeat last command
u undoes last command issued
U undoes all commands on one line
xp deletes first character and inserts after second (swap)
J join current line with the next line
^G display current line number
% if at one parenthesis, will jump to its mate
mx mark current line with character x
'x find line marked with character x
NOTE: Marks are internal and not written to the file.
- Line Editor Mode
Any commands form the line editor ex can be issued upon entering line mode.
To enter: type ':'
To exit: press[return] or [esc]
- ex Commands
For a complete list consult the UNIX Programmer's Manual
copies (reads) filename after cursor in file currently editing
:r filename
:w saves the current file without quitting
:# move to line #
:$ move to last line of file
executes 'cmd' as a shell command.