TO DO List for SP
Inventory DB for Hall B electronics
- complete inventory list of Hall B electronics
- modify this list in easy-view/easy-search format
- label all coming-in and coming-out electronics
- excess unused and ancient electronics
File repair documentations
- sort by functionality
- sort by repair company
- trace by RMA
- account of repair frequency and quality
Electronics repair
- Trace current repair
- Motorola PMC Card - two HV Mainframes - ORTEC HV Card
- Send out, all should be prepared for Monday December 10, 2007 !!!
- get quotation for LeCroy 2313
- get quotation for LeCroy HV Card 1461N
- make a requisition based on quotations
- quotation obtained for 5 Discriminators and 5 HV Cards
- pack 5 LeCroy 2313 Discriminator
- double check one 1461P !!!!!
- collect 5 !!! 1461N and pack them
- boxing and shipping out for repair
- Test repaired electronics
- three LeCroy HV Mainframe 1458: * currently all in test in CR, 6-Dec-2007 * Mainframe-1 (ARCnet=1) has one HV Card in slot#2, all ch. loaded * Mainframe-3 (ARCnet=3) has one HV Card in slot#4, all ch. empty * Mainframe-2 (ARCnet=2) has 10 HV Cards, all loaded except sl.#11
- three CAEN Discriminator v895: a) one in CR testsetup; b) two in Benjamin Raydo testsetup.
Maintenance of Hall B electronics
CAMAC electronics
- check board availability
- check alive status
- arrange and revise test-scripts
- revise photon trigger logic