NTP is Network Time Protocol. It exists on both Solaris and Linux but is not started by default so it must be started using following procedure:
1. login as 'root'
2. Create file /etc/inet/ntp.conf, or copy from another Solaris machine:
# peer host_address [ key # ] [ version # ] [ minpoll interval ] [prefer] # server host_address [ key # ] [ version # ] [ minpoll interval ] [prefer] # broadcast host_address [ key # ] [ version # ] [ minpoll interval ] # driftfile filename # broadcast yes|no # broadcastdelay seconds # authenticate yes|no # authdelay seconds # keys filename # trustedkey # [ # ... ] # controlkey # # restrict address [ mask numeric_mask ] [ flag ] [ ... ] # statsdir /directory/[ prefix ] # statistics names # filegen name [ file filename ] [ type typename ] [ link|nolink ] [enable|disable ] # enabled/disabled # link/nolink # keyno type key # #################### # # JLAB time servers server ntp1.jlab.org version 3 prefer # stratum 2, Ver 3 server ntp2.jlab.org version 3 # stratum 2, Ver 3 # # driftfile /etc/inet/ntp.drift
3. Start the ntp daemon:
svcadm enable network/ntp
4. Check if it is running:
svcs | grep ntp online 16:29:30 svc:/network/ntp:default
5. Make query to make sure everything is Ok:
ntpq -p remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset disp ============================================================================== *ns1.jlab.org time.nist.gov 2 u 27 64 77 0.46 -1.440 387.54 +ccs1.jlab.org time.nist.gov 2 u 27 64 77 0.43 1.798 386.89
You can use /usr/bin/system-config-date if available, in that case check /etc/ntp.conf file to see if everything is correct (see below). To do it manually:
1. Login as 'root'
2. Modify file /etc/ntp.conf commenting out lines
##server 0.pool.ntp.org ##server 1.pool.ntp.org ##server 2.pool.ntp.org
and adding lines
server ntp1.jlab.org server ntp2.jlab.org
or copy file from another Linux machine.
3. Start daemon:
/etc/init.d/ntpd start Starting ntpd: [ OK ]
4. Check if it is running:
/etc/init.d/ntpd status ntpd (pid 15598) is running...
5. Make query to make sure everything is Ok:
ntpq -p remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter ============================================================================== ns1.jlab.org 2 u 57 64 7 0.245 35139.8 1.521 ccs1.jlab.org 2 u 50 64 7 0.522 35138.7 1.351
6. To start service at next boot do following:
###chkconfig --add ntpd (normally linux has it already) chkconfig --level 3 ntpd on chkconfig --level 4 ntpd on chkconfig --level 5 ntpd on chkconfig --list ntpd ntpd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
If 'chkconfig' tool does not exist, make symbolic links manually, for example:
/etc/rc0.d/K74ntpd -> ../init.d/ntpd /etc/rc1.d/K74ntpd -> ../init.d/ntpd /etc/rc2.d/K74ntpd -> ../init.d/ntpd /etc/rc3.d/K74ntpd -> ../init.d/ntpd /etc/rc3.d/S58ntpd -> ../init.d/ntpd /etc/rc4.d/K74ntpd -> ../init.d/ntpd /etc/rc4.d/S58ntpd -> ../init.d/ntpd /etc/rc5.d/K74ntpd -> ../init.d/ntpd /etc/rc5.d/S58ntpd -> ../init.d/ntpd /etc/rc6.d/K74ntpd -> ../init.d/ntpd
/etc/sysconfig/clock sets whether the hardware clock is stored as UTC or local time. Symlink /etc/localtime to /usr/share/zoneinfo/... to set your timezone. Run ``date MMDDhhmm to set the current system date/time. Type ``/sbin/hwclock --systohc [--utc] to set the hardware clock.