UNIX Automount on CLON Cluster
There is an generic scheme for partition automounting on CLON Cluster. It is the same for Linux and Solaris, with the only difference in direct mount in to '/' level: Linux does not allow that so we have to mount to '/misc' and create symbolic links from '/' to '/misc'. Normally all automounted partitions resides on file server, except non-permanent partitions like /work or /scratch. Following is the list of partitions with appropriate explanations. You can use following information to fix corresponding files, or copy those files from similar machine which was already configured.
/home - system independent, contains home directories shared by all machines on CLON cluster
/apps - system dependent, normally contains projects which installs in separate directories, like 'cernlib or 'root
/usr/local/clas - system independent, contains CLAS software
/usr/local/downloads - system independent, contains files downloaded from web and other sources
/usr/local/src - system dependent, place to untar and compile projects from /usr/local/downloads
/usr/local/bin, /usr/local/etc, /usr/local/include, /usr/local/lib, /usr/local/man, /usr/local/sbin, /usr/local/share - system dependent
Automount controlled by two files in /etc directory:
auto_master - the same for Sparc- and x86-Solaris (NOTE: if '+auto_master' uncommented, then 'auto_master' from NIS will be added, in our case it will be 'auto_master' from clon00):
##+auto_master ##/net -hosts -nosuid,nobrowse ##/home auto_home -nobrowse /- /etc/auto_direct /- auto_direct.ep /u auto.u.ep /w auto.w.ep #
auto_direct - in following replace <mach> with SunOS_sun4u for Sparc or SunOS_i86pc for i86:
/home -rw,bg clonfs2:/vol/vol0/home /apps -rw,bg clonfs2:/vol/vol0/apps/<mach> /usr/local/clas -rw,bg clonfs2:/vol/vol0/local/clas /usr/local/downloads -rw,bg clonfs2:/vol/vol0/local/downloads /usr/local/bin -rw,bg clonfs2:/vol/vol0/local/<mach>/bin /usr/local/etc -rw,bg clonfs2:/vol/vol0/local/<mach>/etc /usr/local/include -rw,bg clonfs2:/vol/vol0/local/<mach>/include /usr/local/lib -rw,bg clonfs2:/vol/vol0/local/<mach>/lib /usr/local/man -rw,bg clonfs2:/vol/vol0/local/<mach>/man /usr/local/sbin -rw,bg clonfs2:/vol/vol0/local/<mach>/sbin /usr/local/share -rw,bg clonfs2:/vol/vol0/local/<mach>/share /usr/local/src -rw,bg clonfs2:/vol/vol0/local/<mach>/src